John Nightingale, Chair JDC Birmingham, passes on a message from Jubilee Debt Campaign and a link to this song: Sing2G7! Bringing Children’s Voices Everywhere To The Heart of G7!

The town of Carbis Bay in Cornwall will host the G7 leaders’ summit from June 11-13. JDC wants to make sure their message about debt cancellation will be in the mouths of all the people attending. Literally.

So they’ve decided to make some very special versions of everyone’s favourite seaside treat to hand out stick of rock to as many people attending the G7 as possible to make sure their message gets across. Sponsoring a stick with ‘cancel the debt’ message on it will help to make sure the G7 gets the message about the importance of debt cancellation.

Click on to do this.

Many lower income countries are crying out for debt justice so they can fight Covid. JDC has chosen a light-hearted way to present the urgent need for debt cancellation. 



